Baby’s Time Capsule Ideas to Treasure Forever (Plus Free Printable)

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Do you want to remember your child’s first year forever? Creating a baby’s time capsule is a fun way to do that. What an exciting time it is when a baby comes into the world! As parents, we want to capture every moment and save them for future generations.

This can be as simple or elaborate as you desire, but the key is to include memorable items that evoke happy memories for years. In this blog post, we will discuss ten ideas for items to put in your baby’s time capsule! This blog post will discuss ideas for what to include in your baby’s time capsule. We will also provide tips on making the process easy and fun for you and your child.

What do you put in your baby’s time capsule?

When deciding what to put in your time capsule, the sky is the limit! You can include anything to help capture your child’s personality and the spirit of their first year. Here are some ideas to get you started.

1. A letter of blessings written by you to your child

2. Your baby’s hands and feet set in an ornament or frame such as this

3. Handprint Art

4. Of course, you will want to include plenty of photos. Capture all of your baby’s first-year milestones

5. A journal written by mom to capture your thoughts and feelings from the first year. Write down for them what you love most about being their parent, or draw pictures of things they enjoyed during the year.

6. A video of you assembling the time capsule would be fun to watch in 20-30 years when your child is an adult and possibly has their own kids.

7. Your Child’s Artwork

8. Magazines or news articles from the day they were born

9. Ultrasound photos taken during the pregnancy

10. One photo of each month of the first twelve months

11. Baby Clothes and include your favorite outfits

12. Favorite Toys or Picture of favorite toys so they can look back and remember how much they loved them

13. Information, magazines, or newspaper articles about current events from the year the child was born

14. A copy of your current family budget and how much it costs to live

15. A small toy from a drive-through restaurant, such as a Happy Meal from McDonald’s

16. The baby’s first hat and blanket given to them by the hospital that they wore in the hospital nursery

18. Gadgets or toys that are hot right now (examples are a Fidget toy, Pokemon cards, etc)

19. A list of recently released movies and TV shows popular during the child’s birth year.

20. A map of your current city and residence so you can see how developments change through the years

21. Newly released stamps from the baby’s birth year

22. ID bracelets worn by you and the baby during the hospital stay

23. Write down a list of predictions and hopes for your child’s future

24. Photos of the baby nursery

25. A floorplan of your home and pictures of the home

26. Notes written to the child from important people such as grandma, great grandma, aunts, uncles

27. A list of Bible verses that you want your child to learn as they become adults

28. A receipt from the store showing the cost of baby food, formula, or diapers

29. Cards and letters from family when the child was born

30. Mom or Dad’s business cards and information about their employment

31. Tickets from memorable events that the child has attended

32. Information about your child’s first friends and pictures from playdates

33. Photo of pregnancy progression

34. Your child’s birth announcements

35. A photo of your car

36. A weather report from the day the child was born

37. The baby’s weight and height were documented throughout the first year

38. A receipt showing the price of gas from the year the child was born

39. A bucket list written by you of things you want to do during the child’s growing-up years.

40. Birthday cards from the Child’s first birthday.

41. Photos of your child’s favorite pet.

42. Playlist of #1 songs from that year.

43. Drawing of a family tree with all the current family members

44. The first picture that the child drew

45. Product packaging from items such as cereal boxes, coke bottles, etc

46. Baby’s first pair of shoes.

47. Drawings or letters from siblings.

48. Decor from the first birthday party, such as napkins, paper plates, and streamers.

49. Photos of guests who visited the hospital when the child was born.

50. Photos of first birthday party guests with the child at the party.

51. Photos and memorabilia from the child’s first vacation.

Baby's time capsule ideas to include in your time capsule.  There are 51 ideas of things to include in your baby's first year time capsule plus a free printable download

Assembling your Baby’s Time Capsule

Now that you have ideas for what to put in your baby’s time capsule, let’s discuss how to create it. The first step is to find a container big enough to hold everything you want to include. A plastic storage bin works well for this. You can also purchase a personalized time capsule box, such as this one. Once you have your container, decorate it with pictures and words that represent your baby’s first year.

Now that you have some ideas of what to include, here are a few tips to make sure the process is easy and fun:

Start Early: Don’t wait until your baby’s first birthday to collect items for their time capsule. Start gathering things as soon as they are born, so you won’t forget anything later on.

Get organized: Before putting things in the time capsule, take some time to get organized. Decide what items you want to include and where to store them. This will make it easier to find everything when it’s time to seal up the capsule.

Label everything: Be sure to label all items you include in the time capsule. This will help you and your child know everything when you open it up.

Make it a family affair: Creating a time capsule is a great way to involve your whole family! Have everyone contribute something to the capsule. This will make it even more special when you open it up years from now.

Make It Personal: Include items that are unique to your child kind.

Creating a baby’s first-year time capsule is a fun way to remember this special time in your child’s life. Use the ideas and tips above to make the process easy and enjoyable for you and your baby!

Making a baby’s time capsule is a fun way to remember all the special moments from their first year. Your baby’s first year is safely stored away for future generations to enjoy! Creating a time capsule is a great way to capture all those special moments from your child’s first year. Have fun putting yours together!

Similar Post: 79 Time Capsule Ideas (Plus Free Printable)

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