24 Bible Journaling Ideas (with free Printable)

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You may be interested in getting started on your very own Bible Journal, but you can’t seem to get past the idea that you lack the creativity and inspiration to do so. If the prospect of intricate designs or elaborate layouts feels overwhelming, fear not—simple and easy Bible journaling ideas can be just as profound.

Join us on a journey of simplicity as we explore accessible ways to infuse your Bible journaling practice with meaning and creativity. Bible journaling is not about how beautiful your artwork turns out on your Bible’s pages, it’s about drawing closer to the heart of God in a new and creative way.


We also have a free printable Bible Journal Printable template you can download for free at the bottom of this blog post.

free printable bible journaling templates proverbs 31 templates and stickers printable

Bible journaling is a deeply personal and creative way to engage with scripture, allowing individuals to weave their reflections and artistic expressions into the pages of their sacred texts.

After all, you were created in the image of God, whose wonderful and imaginative mind created everything.

Bible Journaling Ideas

Somewhere way down deep inside of you, He’s given you a creative side that may just need time to develop. That means even if you’ve never considered yourself to be an artistic person, you can Bible journal too! Here are easy and simple Bible journaling ideas for you to get started.   

The concept of Bible Journaling helps you develop your creative side and gives you an artistic expression of faith. That means even if you’ve never considered yourself to be an artistic person, you can Bible journal too! Here are easy and simple Bible journaling ideas for you to get started.   

It can be pretty intimidating when you’re first starting with Bible journaling because you’re afraid that you will mess up your Bible. Here’s a little truthful reminder. You won’t!  But I do encourage you to start simply and go from there. Read a particular passage and draw the first thought that comes to your mind.  

Creative Bible Journaling Ideas

1. Colorful Highlighting

Choose a verse or passage that resonates with you.  Highlight keywords or phrases using colored pencils or highlighting markers.  Next, write a brief reflection or prayer related to the passages that stood out to you.

2. Doodle and Reflect

Select a short verse or quote that speaks to you.  Surround the text with simple doodles or illustrations.  Then, use this space to reflect on the meaning of the words.

3Drawing over the Entire page in the Bible

Creating a full-page drawing in your Bible journaling is a fun way to engage deeply with a particular verse, story, or theme. This approach allows you to immerse yourself in the creative process and visually express emotions and messages by filling up your entire page with Bible art.

This may seem a bit strange for you if you’re first starting with Bible journaling. Typically they find a verse of scripture that stands out to them, highlight it in some fashion, and then work their art around the rest of the page. For those of you who have other study Bibles that you can rely on and feel comfortable drawing over entire pages with this creative process.

4. Drawing in the Margins of your Bible

For those of you who hate the thought of covering up any of the words in your study Bible, drawing in the margins will make the most sense for you. 

You won’t have as much room to work with as you would drawing over an entire page, but if you consider purchasing a journaling bible, you’ll have more margin to work with than the Bible that you are currently using. When drawing in the margins you’ll still be able to get plenty creative while using colors, dies, stickers, highlighters, and pens, and also the comfort of being able to still read your study Bible.    

5.  Drawing with Translucent Paper

Maybe drawing over the entire page sounds like an entertaining thought to you but you still don’t feel perfect about it? Translucent paper will allow you to cover your pages with beautiful artwork and you won’t have to worry about any of the words becoming illegible. You’ll be able to work with watercolor, transparent paints, highlighters, colored pencils, or any form of medium you would like to use.

image of a journal with flowers bible journaling art journaling scripture journaling

6.  Bible Journal Pages

Bible journaling pages are personal and artistic reflections of one’s spiritual journey. These pages often include handwritten notes, illustrations, drawings, hand-lettering, and creative elements inspired by specific verses, themes, or stories from the Bible. Bible Journaling printables or a Bible Coloring Page are perfect to use in a Journal or notebook.

7.  Watercolor Wash

Bible journaling with a watercolor wash involves applying watercolor paint to the pages of your Bible to create a soft, blended background. This technique adds a beautiful and artistic element to your Bible pages, enhancing the visual appeal of your reflections on scripture.

You can also do this technique on watercolor paper.  The bible journaling supplies needed are watercolor paints, watercolor brushes, water, and a protective sheet of wax paper between the pages while working. (to prevent bleed-through)

8.  Bible Doodling 

Do you enjoy flowers? Learn easy ways to draw a few flowers on your Bible pages.  Doodle in a butterfly while using a pen and then go back using watercolors or crayons to brighten with gorgeous colors. 

Drawing a cross, an ark, the Earth, the sun, and the stars are all Bible-themed drawings that aren’t too complicated to do. Simple doodles are a great way to express your creativity while studying and meditating on the Word of God.

9.  Scripture Writing and Hand Lettering

Writing out a Bible Verse is not only artsy and fun to look back on, but it’s also a great way to memorize scripture and allow God’s power to live inside of us. It’s taking the time to listen to what God’s word is teaching us and an opportunity for us to reflect and pray on those verses, while at the same time, applying it to our lives. 

It’s also a chance for many of us to continue practicing your beautiful cursive writing skills that we may not have used for quite some time. There’s also the option of scripture writing in your notebooks that you can quickly look back on when you need to. Many different types of art supplies can be used while scripture writing such as watercolor pencils, gel pens, or even a black marker.  This is one of my favorite easy and simple bible journaling ideas

10.  Illustrate your favorite Bible Verse

Bible journaling is a great way to get closer to God and grow your faith. If you’re looking for some inspiration, you could write out a single bible verse and illustrate it with pictures or captions.  Add color details to the picture to illustrate what the verse means to you.

11.  Draw or paint a Biblical Scene that speaks to you

To do this, there are many resources such as bible journaling templates you could use if you aren’t good at drawing.  Templates will give you many creative bible Journaling ideas.

12. Write out a Prayer or Petition to God.

Pray before you start journaling. Ask God to guide your hand as you express yourself through art. Whether it’s thanksgiving, petition, or simply praise, take some time to connect with God before getting started.

13.. Track your Spiritual growth Journey by Date

This is a type of bible Journaling that would allow you to document your spiritual growth from your point of salvation to the present.

14.  Bible Journal Prompts

Bible journal prompts are thoughtful questions or statements designed to guide your reflections and creative expressions while engaging with scripture. They can help deepen your understanding, provoke meaningful insights, and inspire artistic elements in your Bible journaling.

Here are a few examples of Bible Journal Prompts:

  1. What does grace mean to you, and how have you experienced it in your life?
  2. Illustrate a scene from a parable that has significance in your current season.
  3. Write a prayer for someone you know who needs encouragement, and include relevant verses.
  4. Explore a verse that speaks of God’s faithfulness. How have you witnessed His faithfulness in your life?
  5. Draw a symbol representing your journey of faith. What does it mean to you?
  6. Reflect on a verse about peace. How can you incorporate more peace into your daily life?
  7. Choose a verse about love. Illustrate it and consider how you can embody that love towards others.
  8. Explore a passage about perseverance. How can you apply the principles of perseverance in your current challenges?
  9. Create a visual representation of a favorite worship song or hymn. Write down the lyrics that resonate with you.
  10. Write a letter to God expressing your gratitude for specific blessings in your life. Enhance it with illustrations or symbols.
image of a journal with flowers bible journaling art journaling scripture journaling

15.  Write Down Your Worries

 Bible journaling is a great way to deepen your relationship with God and grow your faith. With so many different ways to approach it, writing down and illustrating your worries would allow you to visually give your biggest concerns to God.

16.  Journal in a Hymnal

A collectible hymnal would be the perfect place for your writing and illustrated art.

17.  Journal your favorite praise and worship song.

Write out the words to classic hymns and draw an illustration about them in either a hymnal, a journal, or your journaling bible.

18.  Document Answered Prayers

A prayer Journal is perfect for this, and it would be fun to add art and drawings to your prayer Journal.

19.  Gratitude Journal

You could illustrate each thing you are grateful for or make a list and be creative with the illustrations.  A gratitude Journal would be helpful to document what you are thankful for.

20. Decorate the pages of your bible with washi tape, stickers, or other pretty embellishments.

Add doodles or embellishments. Doodling is a great way to add personality to your pages. And there’s no need to be an artist; simple doodles will do just fine! You can also add washi tape, stickers, or other embellishments if that’s more your style.

21.  Illustrate the story in the Bible that has great meaning to you.

This is a great way to personalize the Bible story that impacted your life and make it your own. When you look back on your artwork, it will help you remember specific scriptures that were meaningful to you at different points in your life.

22.  Illustrate an entire book of the Bible.

Use simple techniques such as The important thing is to be creative and expressive – there are no wrong answers!

23.  Record your weekly sermon notes.

You can reinforce learning from your sermon notes by illustrating them during the week.

24.  Using Journaling Templates for Bible Art Journaling

There are so many journaling templates available to use either in your bible or in a separate journal.

Sign up here to get the free Bible Margin Journal Templates

We have mentioned 24 fun bible journaling ideas to get you started. Journaling is helping and you are having your bible study time.  Hopefully, you found some of these ideas helpful and put your mind more at ease and comfortable with taking off on your journey toward a deeper relationship with Jesus.

The most important thing when Bible journaling is the personal and meaningful connection you cultivate with God’s Word. Bible journaling is a creative and expressive practice that goes beyond artistic elements; it’s about deepening your relationship with the words of scripture and allowing it to impact your heart, mind, and spirit

easy and simple Bible Journaling Ideas bible journaling ideas for families,kids and teenagers

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