Solar System Diorama Printable

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In our vast and mysterious universe, the solar system holds a special place of awe and wonder. While we may not be able to venture into space and witness its breathtaking beauty firsthand, there is a way to bring the solar system right into our homes – through the art of the Solar System Diorama.

Shoe Box Diorama Printables are a fun and creative way to make a 3D solar system model inside of a shoebox. This Solar System Diorama includes planet cut-outs, a solar system backdrop with an image of the sun, space and stars. Also included is a cut-out printable of the moon and a space rocket.

The solar system has captivated human curiosity for centuries, spanning billions of kilometers and encompassing a diverse array of celestial bodies. Learning about the planets in the solar system is a fascinating topic for students to learn with visual aids like a solar system printable diorama.

You can purchase the Solar System Diorama Here.

What supplies do you need to make this diorama?

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How can I make a solar system model at home using this printable diorama?

Step 1
Download our free printable solar system diorama template. Print the template on sturdy paper or cardstock for better durability, or you can print on regular paper and later glue it onto cardstock.

Step 2
Using a pair of scissors, carefully cut out each element of the solar system diorama, including the planets, moons, and any other objects included in the template. Take your time to ensure clean and precise cuts.

Step 3
If you wish to add a personal touch to your diorama, you can color each component with pencils, markers, or paints. Adding these details will enhance the overall visual appeal of your solar system model.

Step 4
Begin by folding the diorama template along the indicated lines to create the base structure. Use a ruler or your finger to make clean and sharp creases. Next, glue or adhesive tape is applied to secure the tabs and edges of the diorama, forming a three-dimensional structure.

Step 5
Using glue or adhesive tape, carefully attach each celestial object to its designated place within the diorama.

Step 6
Once all the components are securely attached, you can further personalize your solar system diorama by adding labels or captions identifying each planet and other celestial bodies. Consider including brief facts or interesting details about each object to enhance the educational value of your creation.

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How many planets are there in the solar system?

Here are the eight planets in our solar system:

Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun. It is a rocky, barren world with a scorching hot surface during the day and freezing temperatures at night.

Known as Earth’s “sister planet” due to its similar size, Venus is covered in thick clouds and has a runaway greenhouse effect, making it the hottest planet in our solar system.

Our home planet, Earth, is a vibrant and diverse world with a unique atmosphere that supports a wide range of life forms, including humans.

Often called the “Red Planet,” Mars is known for its rusty appearance. It has polar ice caps and a thin atmosphere. Scientists are exploring the possibility of past or present microbial life on its surface.

The largest planet in our solar system, Jupiter, is a gas giant with mesmerizing bands of clouds and a famous Great Red Spot—a massive storm that has been raging for centuries.

Recognized for its stunning ring system, Saturn is another gas giant. Its beautiful rings comprise countless icy particles, and the planet is known for its distinctive yellowish hue.

Uranus is an ice giant with a unique feature—it spins on its side, resulting in extreme seasons that last for several decades. It has a bluish-green color due to its atmosphere’s composition.

Neptune is also an ice giant, the farthest known planet from the Sun. It is a vivid blue color and experiences fierce storms, including the famous Great Dark Spot discovered by the Voyager 2 spacecraft.

Creating a solar system diorama is a fantastic way to explore and learn about our vast universe. It allows us to bring the wonders of outer space right into our homes or classrooms, sparking curiosity and imagination in both children and adults alike. We gain a deeper understanding of the planets and appreciate the beauty and diversity of our celestial neighbors. In short, it offers a hands-on experience that engages our senses and fosters a love for science and astronomy.

solar system diorama printable shoe box diorama

Solar System Diorama

Yield: 1 Diorama
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Active Time: 30 minutes
Total Time: 35 minutes
Difficulty: Easy
Estimated Cost: $4.00

Imagine having the entire solar system in your home - pretty cool, right? Well, that's exactly what this Solar System Diorama is all about!


  • Thick printing paper - preferably a white cardstock
  • Printed solar system diorama template
  • A pair of scissors
  • Adhesive glue or tape
  • Coloring materials such as colored markers


  • Printer


  1. Dive into the universe with our printable solar system diorama template! Download it and print it out. For extra durability, opt for sturdy paper or cardstock. You can also print on regular paper and then glue it onto cardstock later for that extra sturdiness.
  2. Get a pair of scissors and prepare to cut out each element of the solar system diorama - planets, moons, and anything else included in the template. Take your time with it, making sure to cut cleanly and precisely along the lines.
  3. Looking to add a personal flair to your diorama? Here's an idea: why not grab some pencils, markers, or paints and digitally color each component? Adding these little details can enhance the overall visual appeal of your solar system model. Plus, it's a great way to make it uniquely yours!
  4. Let's kick things off by getting the base structure of our diorama ready to roll! Look at the template, and you'll see some indicated lines - your folding guides. Grab a ruler or use your finger to make clean, sharp creases along these lines. Once your folds are in place, it's time to secure everything into a three-dimensional structure. Get the glue or adhesive tape and apply it to the tabs and edges as needed.
  5. With your glue or adhesive tape ready, carefully attach each one to its designated spot within the diorama. Take your time and ensure each object is secure and positioned just right.
  6. With all the components securely in place, it's time to add those finishing touches and make your solar system diorama your own! One way to do this is by adding labels or captions to identify each planet and celestial body. You can get creative with fonts and designs to make them stand out.

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