79 Time Capsule Ideas (Plus Free Printable)

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Do you have a box of memories that you’ve been wanting to organize and preserve? If so, you’re in luck! In this blog post, we will share 79 time capsule ideas that will help you document your family’s history and make memories with your kids in the process. Whether you want to create a time capsule for your kids or for yourself, these ideas will get you started! And if you’re looking for fun and educational ways to preserve memories, a time capsule is the perfect solution! Kids will love putting together a time capsule and watching their memories unfold over time. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the best time capsule ideas for kids.

Here is a free pdf printable to start capturing your time capsule ideas with your kids, parents, students, and family.

Table of Contents

Time Capsule Ideas for Kids

1. A Capsule Journal

One of the most popular time capsule ideas for kids is to create a time capsule journal. This is a great way for kids to track their memories over time. They can include photos, drawings, and even short journal entries.

2. Time Capsule Kit

Another fun idea is to put together a time capsule kit. This kit can include anything from birthday cards to school projects. We have included a free pdf printable. It’s a great way to preserve all of those special memories!

3. Include a recording of your child’s voice – just talking or reading their favorite bedtime story or singing

Hearing a young child’s voice after they are grown would bring back a flood of happy memories for you and your child.

4. Digital Time Capsule

If your child loves technology, they may want to put together a digital time capsule. This could include videos, photos, or even audio recording.

5. Old Fashioned Treasure Box

Don’t forget about the classics. A good old-fashioned treasure box filled with small keepsakes and mementos is always a hit with kids.

6. Photos of the child at different ages and events

Photos of you and your friends and family are important to include and you will be amazed at how much your family changes over the years.

7. Memories from your child’s favorite pet

That favorite pet will always be remembered so be sure to add pictures and favorite written memories of that special pet.

8. Your Child’s favorite toy

Your Childs favorite toys that maybe they don’t use anymore and you want to preserve.

9. Tickets from your child’s favorite concert or sporting event.

There are probably many options to choose from in this category, and most will bring back happy memories when the time capsule is opened.

10. Document your child’s favorite things such as a favorite teacher, favorite ice cream, favorite restaurant, etc

Write down your child’s favorite things (or have the child write them down), such as favorite foods, hobbies, TV shows, teachers, etc because these things change over time and it will be easy to forget details like this.

11. A news article from when your child was born or started school, or graduated.

An article clipped from a local newspaper on the first day of school or from a newsworthy event that happened during their senior year.

12. Include a copy of your child’s favorite book.

Or to keep it more simple, you could include the child’s written description and picture drawn by your child about the book.

13. Collect mementos from the first and last day of school

There are so many things you could include such as first day lunch menu, school bus stop photos, pictures and notes from their teacher.

14. Put in a collection of your child’s artwork

15. Include a video of your child singing or playing their favorite song.

16. Include a collection of your child’s schoolwork from different grades.

Capture the best time capsule ideas with this free pdf printable to use while making your time capsule.

Time Capsule Ideas for Parents

17. Bucket List for you as a couple and as a family

18. Put in a letter to the child, telling them about what you expect for their future and blessings for them as they accomplish their goals

19. Include a video of you putting the time capsule together and reading it’s contents.

20. Include a copy of your family’s monthly budget from the year your child was born.

21. Include a list of the child’s favorite friends.

22. Include a current map of your town or neighborhood.

23. Put in a collection of your child’s baby teeth.

24. Preserve items that remind you of your child’s childhood, like a baby blanket or first toy.

25. Add a collection of your child’s old report cards.

26. Add a letter to your child, telling them everything you love about them.

27. Document your child’s friends and include photos and memories of them spending time together.

28. Include a collection of your child’s graduation announcements or birthday invitations.

29. Include a list of your family’s favorite recipes.

30. Include a copy of your family’s genealogy.

31. Collect mementos from vacations or special trips.

32. Add an article about the year your child was born.

33. Collect items that show the technology your child has grown up with.

34. Add a collection of your child’s old report cards.

35. Collect items that show your child’s favorite celebrities or athletes.

36. Add an article about the year your child graduated from college

37. Collect items that show your child’s favorite celebrities or athletes.

38. Personalized messages from special family members such as grandparents, aunts and uncles, cousins.

39. Personalized reports and messages from Teachers or Pastors, Sunday school teachers, etc

40. Make copies of important documents such as passports or birth certificates and include them.

41. Stamps, coins, and other collectibles from around the world

42. Include your favorite childhood toys

43. Tickets to your favorite concert or sporting event that you attended together

Purchase the Time Capsule Printable Here

Capture memories of your baby's early years with this time capsule printable

Time Capsule Ideas for Students

44. Include your favorite books that you read during the school year

One great way to preserve memories is by putting your favorite books into a time capsule. This is a perfect idea for students who love reading! You can include books from all different genres, and you can even add in some of your favorite bookmarks.

45. Your school supplies from this year

If you’re looking for a way to remember what classes you had this year, or what subjects you studied, then put your school supplies into a time capsule. You can include notebooks, textbooks, pencils, and anything else that was important to you during the school year.

46. Your best friends’ contact information

If you want to make sure that you never lose touch with your best friends, then put their contact information into a time capsule. This is a great way to keep track of everyone’s phone numbers, email addresses, and social media profiles.

47. A list of your favorite memories from this year each grade

One of the best things about time capsules is that they allow you to remember all of the good times from the past. If you’re looking for a way to capture all of your favorite memories from this year, then put them into a time capsule! You can include photos, videos, and even tickets stubs from events that you attended.

48. Your school report cards

Did you get good grades this year? Or maybe you got a few As and Bs? If you want to remember your school report cards from this year, then put them into a time capsule. This is a great way to track your progress over time and see how much you’ve improved.

49. Your favorite music from this year

If you’re looking for a way to capture the sound of your teenage years, then put your favorite music from this year into a time capsule. You can include songs from all different genres, and you can even add in some of your favorite concert tickets.

50. A list of your goals for the next school year

If you’re already thinking about what you want to accomplish during the next school year, then put your goals into a time capsule. This is a great way to keep track of your progress and make sure that you stay on track.

51. Your favorite quotes from this year

If you’re looking for a way to remember all of the inspiring things that people have said to you this year, then put your favorite quotes into a time capsule. You can include quotes from teachers, friends, family members, and even celebrities.

52. A list of your resolutions for the new year

If you’re looking for a way to stay accountable for your New Year’s resolutions, different ways that you can preserve memories. If youthen put them into a time capsule. This is a great way to make sure that you stick to your goals and achieve all of your objectives.

53. A list of your favorite movies from this year

If you’re a movie buff, then this time capsule idea is perfect for you! You can include DVDs or Blu-rays of your favorite films, and you can even add in some popcorn and candy. This is a great way to remember all of the good times that you had at the movies this year.

54. A time capsule of your favorite TV shows from this year

If you’re a television fan, then put your favorite shows from this year into a time capsule. You can include DVDs or Blu-rays of your favorite seasons, and you can even add in some snacks. This is a great way to remember all of the nights that you spent binge-watching your favorite shows.

55. Your favorite sports moments from this year

If you’re a sports fan, then put your favorite moments from this year into a time capsule. You can include photos, videos, and even tickets stubs from the games that you attended. This is a great way to remember all of the excitement that you experienced during this year’s sports season.

56. A time capsule of your favorite fashion trends from this year

If you’re into fashion, then put your favorite styles from this year into a time capsule. You can include photos of yourself in your most stylish outfits, and you can even add in some makeup and accessories. This is a great way to remember all of the trends that you loved during this year.

57. All of your favorite recipes that you have eaten this year

If you love cooking, then put your favorite recipes from this year into a time capsule. You can include photos of the finished dishes, and you can even add in some ingredients so that you can make them again. This is a great way to remember all of the delicious meals that you cooked this year.

58. A list of your favorite books from this year

If you’re a bookworm, then put your favorite books from this year into a time capsule. You can include hardcover or paperback copies of your favorite novels, and you can even add in bookmark ribbons so that you can easily find your place again. This is a great way to remember all of the good times that you had while reading this year.

59. Include all of your favorite memories from this year

If you’re looking for a way to remember all of the best moments from this year, then put them into a time capsule. You can include photos, videos, and even handwritten notes. This is a great way to keep track of all of the happy memories that you made this year.

60. A list of your favorite things about your school

If you want to remember all of the things that you love about your school, then put them into a time capsule. You can include photos, artwork, and even letters from your friends. This is a great way to keep track of all of the positive experiences that you had during this school year.

61. Include all of your favorite things about your family

If you want to remember all of the great things that your family has done for you, then put them into a time capsule. You can include photos, videos, and even handwritten notes. This is a great way to keep track of all of the happy memories that you have with your loved ones.

62. Your favorite things about your friends (and some of the memories)

If you want to remember all of the good times that you’ve had with your friends, then put them into a time capsule. You can include photos, videos, and even handwritten notes. This is a great way to keep track of all of the fun memories that you’ve shared together this year.

63. New Years Resolutions for the coming year

Time Capsule Ideas for Graduating Seniors

Graduating from high school is a huge milestone in any person’s life. It’s a time to reflect on all the memories made and lessons learned over the past four years. As you prepare to embark on the next chapter of your life, don’t forget to commemorate your time as a high school student with a time capsule! Have provided ideas for items to include in your time capsule. We hope these ideas inspire you to create a meaningful and memorable time capsule that will commemorate your graduation year!

64. Photos of you and your friends at Graduation

65. Tickets to your senior prom or homecoming dance

66. Your graduation tassel

67. A letter to your future self.

68. Your favorite song from high school

69. A list of things you want to accomplish in life

70. A list of your favorite memories from high school

71. Items related to your future career plans

72. Your favorite quote or saying

73. A list of things you’ll miss about high school

74. A list of people you want to thank for helping you get to this point

75. Copies of your report cards and transcripts

76. Clippings from your favorite newspapers or magazines

77. A letter from your parents or other loved ones

78. Your school ID card

79. A list of things you’re looking forward to in the future

We hope these ideas inspire you as you preserve your family memories! No matter what you choose to include, make sure your time capsule is sealed up and dated so that it can be opened in the future. Who knows, maybe your great-great-grandchildren will be interested in what you chose to put inside! Thank you for reading and best of luck in all your future endeavors! 🙂

Do you have any time capsule ideas to add? We would love to hear from you in the comments below!

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