Free Chore Chart for Kids Printable
Kids are not the best at doing chores. And at the end of the day, you’re lucky if you can get them to even get started without having to remind them a dozen times. So how do you teach your kids to do chores without nagging them? We have a free chore chart for kids printable that you can download to help you get your kids on board with doing chores.
And with a little work, you can teach your kids to clean, making life easier for everyone, and giving them life skills and a strong work ethic that will make managing their own homes less stressful one day.

Don’t send them off alone at first
Odds are when you were a kid you were told to clean your room and sent off with only that direction. Your parents would come in hours later and you would be playing with a toy you found and nothing got done or even worse the mess somehow got larger. This is because you didn’t have instructions that helped you understand where to start to actually make progress.
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The feeling of being overwhelmed made it easier to just sit down and play instead of working away in your room. This is why when you send your child to clean their room the mess only seems to get worse. A good idea to fix this is to join them in cleaning for a while and teach them how to do it the right way. This will leave you with less of a power struggle and more productivity when it comes to cleaning while giving your child life skills that will make cleaning and maintaining their homes easier when they are older.
How to use the free Chore Chart for Kids Printable
Start with their personal messes
While we want our children to help with chores around the home and learning how to clean the house is a vital life skill for us to teach our kids, it can be a bit overwhelming for kids who are just learning to clean. We have made it easier for you by providing a free chore chart for kids to use.
The best thing you can do when teaching your kids how to clean is to start small with their own personal messes. If your child spills food, teach them how to clean it up, help them learn to clean their own room, and teach them to pick up items they may have left around the house.
This works well for teaching kids to clean because they have an easier understanding of how they made the mess. Younger kids can have a harder time understanding community chores so teaching them the responsibility of cleaning up after themselves first can help make it easier for them to learn without feeling it is unfair that they have to chip in.
Start Young
Starting your child on cleaning young is a great way to make it easier to teach them. Hold a family meeting to talk about simple chore charts and the value of hard work for both younger children and older children. Young kids love to copy what we do, making them very responsive to cleaning lessons alongside you. Even the youngest toddlers can help pick up a few toys with you.
As your child gets older they will pick up an interest in doing things like sweeping or mopping. You can get child-size cleaning kits to make this easy on them. Swiffers can have the middle piece of the handle removed to make a dust mop that is perfect for little kids. add a spray bottle with some water and they can help while you mop.
Make Chores Part of Daily Life
Chores should become second nature for your children just like brushing their teeth or getting dressed in the morning. Make it an expected part of your child’s day, rather than an occasional chore they need to complete every so often. This will also teach them time management skills as they learn how to make time for regular chores each day and plan other activities around it.
Be Consistent
The key here is consistency. If you want your children to learn how important it is for everyone in the family to contribute and work together, then you need to be consistent with enforcing rules around chores and responsibilities. Make sure that all members of the family understand what their role is and that everyone understands what needs to be done (and when).
Establishing clear expectations will help ensure that everyone knows exactly what they need to do and how they should go about doing it – this will help minimize any disagreements or arguments in the future!
Break tasks down into smaller ones
Cleaning can be overwhelming. A great way to make cleaning easier for everyone is to break things down into smaller tasks. Teaching your kids how to clean and breaking tasks down is a great way to help make cleaning less overwhelming and give your child a starting point and the steps needed to get the task done completely.
Create a Chore Chart for Kids
Creating a kid’s chores chart for each child can also be an effective way of getting them to complete their tasks without constant reminders or nagging. Create a chart that lists all the chores that need to be done each week, with specific instructions on how they should be completed. We have a free printable chore chart for you to print and use. We have listed age-appropriate chores on this free chore chart pdf.
If possible, assign different colored stickers or markers for each task so that everyone knows which chore needs to be done next (and who has already completed it). This will help make completing chores less daunting since it will give your kids something tangible they can work towards—like filling up the chart with stickers!
Examples of Age-Appropriate Chores for Kids
Age-appropriate daily tasks for 3-4-year-olds can help instill responsibility in them from a very early age. With young children, it is important to start early, so that they get used to the idea of having responsibilities and stick with them as they grow older. Let’s explore some age-appropriate daily chores suitable for 3-4 year olds.
Free Chore Chart for Kids Printable
Ages 3 to 4
Make their Bed
Making their beds is a small task that is an excellent daily chore for children aged 3-4 as it teaches them how to tidy up their space and maintain basic organizational skills. Not only that, but this activity also helps develop their motor skills, as they learn how to neatly arrange the sheets and blankets on the bed. It’s also a great way to get them out of bed in the morning!
Put Away Toys
Another great chore for this age group is helping out with tidying up toys. This teaches them about organization and how important it is to put away toys after use. You can make it into a game by assigning colors or shapes to specific bins or shelves where toys should go. This also encourages social skills since they will need cooperation from you when putting away larger items like puzzles or blocks.
Feed Pets
If you have any pets at home, a great idea is for your child to help feed them each day as part of their daily routine. This can become a fun time spent with your pet while also teaching your child about responsibility and looking after animals properly. Make sure you supervise your child while feeding the animals so that nothing gets spilled or eaten improperly!
Bringing Dishes To The Sink
Preschoolers can help out around mealtime by bringing dishes from the table back over to the sink after meals or snacks have been enjoyed. Explain where each type of dish goes—plates in one pile, cups in another—and let them practice scooping up all the dishes once everyone has finished eating. They’ll be proud of themselves when they’re done!
Free Chore Chart for Kids Printable ages 3 to 4
They can also help with dusting, sorting laundry, taking out the trash and recycling, and setting the table. Encourage your child to use their imagination when completing these tasks in order to make them even more fun!
Age 5-7
As children get older, they can start helping with more complicated tasks like packing their own lunches or making their own beds. You can also introduce raking leaves or watering plants outdoors. These activities will help them develop coordination skills while still having fun!
Making the bed
This chore helps children understand orderliness and organization. It also encourages them to take pride in their living space by making it look tidy and neat.
Picking up toys
This chore teaches kids about being organized and cleaning up after themselves. It also helps them appreciate the things they have by taking care of them properly.
This chore is perfect for teaching kids about cleanliness as well as giving them an opportunity to practice hand-eye coordination while using a dust cloth or duster around the house.
Setting the table
This chore teaches kids how to be helpful when it comes time for meals, which is important for developing good social skills later in life. It also encourages them to pay attention to detail in order to set the table correctly.
Feeding pets
Pet care gives kids an opportunity to learn about caring for animals, as well as developing compassion towards other living creatures. It also fosters a sense of responsibility by taking on a task that requires regular upkeep such as feeding pets each day at an appointed time.
Doing laundry
Doing laundry teaches kids how to sort dirty clothes and separate whites from colors, which helps with developing sorting skills and problem-solving abilities later in life. Additionally, it encourages kids to take ownership of their clothing so they can develop good habits when it comes time to wash their own clothes in the future.
Helping out with gardening
Gardening gives kids an opportunity to get outside, get some fresh air, and learn more about nature while helping Mom or Dad with gardening tasks such as weeding or watering plants around the house or yard.
These simple tasks give kids an opportunity to practice physical strength while helping out with household chores like vacuuming or sweeping up dirt from around the house or mopping any spills that may occur on floors or counters throughout each day’s activities.
Teaching your 5-7-year-old age-appropriate chores not only teaches them important life skills but also fosters independence and confidence in completing tasks independently. it also encourages a sense of accomplishment in your child.
Free Chore Chart for Kids Printable Ages 5 to 7
A visual schedule is a tool that uses pictures, symbols, or words to help children understand and manage their daily routines. Some children may benefit from a visual schedule for teaching children new skills or concepts like doing chores.
By breaking down tasks into smaller steps and providing visual cues, children can better understand and remember what they need to do. By breaking down tasks into smaller steps and providing visual cues, children can better understand and remember what they need to do.
Age 8+
At this stage, kids should be able to take on bigger responsibilities such as helping with grocery shopping or meal prep. They can also vacuum carpets and mop floors at home or even start doing light yard work like pulling weeds or planting flowers if you have a garden!
Here are some household duties that are appropriate for 8+ year-olds:
• Cleaning their own room (making bed, putting away toys/clothes, etc.)
• Loading and unloading the dishwasher
• Taking out garbage/recycling or feeding pets
• Helping with food prep (washing vegetables, setting the table)
• Sweeping/vacuuming floors
• Assisting with yard work (watering plants, weeding)
• Helping with laundry (folding clothes, putting away clean laundry).
Chore Chart for Kids Printable Ages 8 +
Chores give children a sense of responsibility, pride, and accomplishment. It’s important to set expectations and provide guidance so that your child understands what is expected of them and how to complete the task at hand.
Incentivize Performance
Incentives can be a helpful tool for motivating children to do their chores without being prompted or nagged by a family member. You don’t need anything extravagant; something as simple as allowing extra time with a favorite video game or a special treat after completing all of their tasks on time can go a long way.
Get Them Involved in Decision Making
Involvement in decision-making encourages ownership and responsibility – two key factors when it comes to tackling chores around the house with minimal resistance from your kids. Ask them what kind of tasks they would like assigned and let them help decide which chores should get done first each day or which rewards are most desirable for meeting expectations consistently over time.
Chore Chart for Kids Printable – Weekly Planning
Give your kids a kid-safe cleaning kit
We all know that many cleaning supplies are not safe for kids. One way to make it easier for your kids to learn to clean is to keep a kid-safe cleaning kit on hand. Keeping cleaning supplies that are safe to have in your child’s reach allows them to take initiative when it comes to cleaning around the house and means when they are ready they can clean without supervision. For young kids, this can be as simple as a spray bottle with water, a little vinegar, and some microfiber clothes.
Organize and declutter your kid’s spaces often
Kids tend to be very disorganized by nature and can have a habit of building up clutter unintentionally. A great thing you can do to help your kids learn to clean and help make cleaning easier is to help them organize their space and teach them to regularly declutter. By reducing clutter in your child’s space cleaning can become easier and less overwhelming.
Set Clear Expectations
One of the best ways to get your children to do their chores is by setting clear expectations. Talk with your kids about which tasks are expected of them and when they need to be done. Make sure that these expectations are age-appropriate so that your children will understand what is expected of them and why it’s important.
Be sure to explain why each chore is important and how it contributes to the family as a whole. This will help instill a sense of responsibility in your kids and motivate them to complete the tasks without having to be reminded multiple times.
Taking Care of Pets
A pet dog chore chart helps children learn the importance of taking care of their pets and the responsibility that comes with owning a dog. If there are multiple children in the household, a dog chore chart can promote teamwork and encourage children to work together to take care of the family pet.
Chore Chart for Kids Printable – To-Do List
Make Cleaning Fun
When your child is ready to move on to doing community chores to help the entire household you want to make this more fun for them. Instead of sending them off to do chores on their own, turn on some music and make it a family affair. Dancing around and listening to music is a great way to make cleaning fun and a lot more enjoyable for kids.
Assigning age-appropriate chores is a great way to teach your kids responsibility over the long run while showing them what it means to be part of a team. It also teaches valuable life skills that will benefit them long after they move out of the family home.
As always though, it’s important not to overwhelm your children with too much – slow progress is key! Make sure that your expectations are reasonable so that both you and your kids stay motivated on this successful journey together!
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By starting small with basic household tasks such as making the bed, picking up toys, dusting, setting the table, etc., you can gradually add more complex chores like doing laundry and helping out with gardening once your child has mastered those first few steps!
Keeping track of the free chore chart for kids printable will make getting chores done easier. As long as you keep track of progress made along each step of the way, you’ll soon have a responsible little helper who knows how to take care of their own responsibilities!