Free Printable Rosa Parks Worksheets
Do you have children who are learning about the civil rights movement or are studying heroes of black history month? If so, this “The Rosa Parks Story” – Rosa Parks Study Guide is perfect for you! It includes a biography of Rosa Parks, as well as information about the boycott of buses that she helped organize.
Plus, we’ve included free printable Rosa Parks Worksheets for you to use. And you can find many educational free printables on our website that are perfect for homeschoolers, parents, and teachers.

This guide is perfect for elementary and middle school students who are interested in learning more about this important figure in American history. So why not print it out and use it today? Your kids are guaranteed to learn from this lap book.
Free Printable Rosa Parks Worksheets
Who was Rosa Parks?
Rosa Louise McCauley Parks, born in 1913 in Tuskegee, Alabama, was an African-American woman who helped spark the civil rights movement after she refused to give up her seat on a segregated bus on December 1, 1955. Her actions resulted in her arrest and gained national attention when Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. called for a boycott of the Montgomery bus system in protest.
This brave act started a movement that would eventually lead to the end of segregation laws in public transportation facilities throughout the United States.
What Did She Accomplish?
Rosa Parks’ act of defiance inspired others to stand up against inequality and fight for their rights as citizens. She received numerous awards and honors for her work, including the Congressional Gold Medal, Presidential Medal of Freedom, NAACP Spingarn Medal, International Freedom Conductor Award, and more.
In addition to these accolades, she also wrote two books about her experiences during the civil rights movement and continued to be involved in activism until she died at age 92 in October 2005.
Rosa Parks Printables
This guide provides an overview of Rosa Parks’s life and accomplishments but it is not comprehensive or exhaustive. Many more details about her life can be found through reading books or researching online sources such as The National Museum for Women in Arts (NMWA), The Smithsonian Institution’s National Portrait Gallery (NPG), or other reputable research sites like Scholastic or Britannica School Edition Online Library.
You can also find interactive activities on websites like Discovery Education or BrainPOP Jr., which make learning about Rosa Parks fun for kids!
History of Rosa Parks Facts for Kids
Over a century ago, racial segregation was legally enforced in the United States. But on December 1, 1955, Rosa Parks refused to move from the “colored” section at the back of the bus in Montgomery, Alabama and was arrested for it. Her brave act sparked a massive boycott of the city’s public transportation system that lasted 381 days and eventually led to the desegregation of buses in Montgomery.
Rosa Parks was an African American civil rights activist who is best known for her role in the Montgomery Bus Boycott. Born in Tuskegee, Alabama, in 1913, Parks grew up in a time when segregation was legally mandated in the United States.
In 1955, Parks was riding a bus in Montgomery when she was instructed to give up her bus seat to a white man. Parks refused, and she was arrested.
Rosa Parks Was Not The First To Refuse To Give Up Her Seat On A Bus – Though she is often credited with being the first person to refuse to give up their seat on a bus, Parks was not the first. In March 1955, 15-year-old Claudette Colvin was arrested for not giving up her seat on a bus in Montgomery.
Her brave act sparked a massive boycott of the city’s public transportation system that lasted 381 days and eventually led to the desegregation of buses in Montgomery.
Rosa Parks Was An Activist Before The Bus Incident – Before her arrest in 1955, Rosa Parks had been involved in civil rights activism since 1943 when she joined the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People). She served as secretary for the organization’s Montgomery chapter until 1957 and continued working for civil rights until she died in 2005.
She Received Several Awards For Her Courage – In 1979, President Jimmy Carter presented Parks with one of the highest civilian honors in America—the Presidential Medal of Freedom—in recognition of her efforts towards equality and justice. In 1996, she received both the Congressional Gold Medal —the highest honor Congress can bestow upon a civilian—and an honorary doctorate from Harvard University.
She Was Assaulted Multiple Times – While living in Detroit during her later years, Mrs. Parks experienced several violent attacks including being robbed at gunpoint twice within two weeks in 1994 and being beaten by a group of teenagers while walking home from shopping in 2001 at age 86.
She, along with her husband Raymond, founded The Rosa And Raymond Parks Institute for Development – After retiring from politics and activism in 1988, Mrs. Park established this non-profit organization dedicated to teaching young people about civil rights history by taking them on educational field trips across America called “Pathways To Freedom” tours.
Parks became known as the “First Lady of civil rights” and also the “Mother of the freedom movement”.
In later years, she continued her work as an activist, serving as an advisor to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and working tirelessly to promote equality for all Americans. Rosa Parks died in 2005, but her legacy lives on as an example of strength and courage in the face of injustice.
Throughout her lifetime, Parks continued to speak out against injustice, and she became one of the most visible figures in the civil rights movement. She died in 2005 at the age of 92.
Free Printable Rosa Parks Worksheets for Kids
The U.S. Supreme Court made a landmark decision in 1954, ruling that racial segregation was unconstitutional and paving the way for greater civil rights throughout America. This momentous judgment marked a significant turning point in our nation’s history toward justice and equality.
Rosa Parks is an American hero who will always be remembered for standing up against injustice when few others were willing to do so. Her story serves as an inspiring reminder that anyone can make a difference if they are willing to take a stand for what they believe is right no matter what risks may be involved.
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I hope your kids enjoy these free printable Rosa Parks worksheets and learn how she influenced society for good.