Star Wars Paper Plate Craft for Kids
First released in 1977, Star Wars was a mega-hit and is still a mega-hit today. Disney acquired the rights to Star Wars, which is such an intriguing film series for kids and families alike. All-Star Wars-loving kids would have a blast creating their own Star Wars paper plate craft, and it would also be a fun craft for a Star Wars-themed birthday party.
Star Wars Crafts are fun, and young Star Wars fans will love making this cool and super easy craft.

What is the Star Wars Death Star?
In the Star Wars series, the Death Star is a pretty big deal! It is massive in size, the size of a moon, and it was a space station with the ability to destroy the entire planet. The Death Star was the Empire’s ultimate weapon!
The Death Star is one of the most iconic and feared weapons in the Star Wars universe. It is a massive space station capable of destroying entire planets with a single blast from its superlaser. The Death Star was created by the Galactic Empire as a symbol of their power and a tool to maintain control over the galaxy.
The Death Star was first introduced in the original Star Wars movie, A New Hope, where it served as the main plot device. The Rebel Alliance was determined to destroy the Death Star before it could be used to obliterate their base on the planet Yavin IV. The resulting battle, the Battle of Yavin, is one of the most famous scenes in movie history.
Despite its fearsome reputation, the Death Star was not invincible. It was eventually destroyed by a group of Rebel fighters led by Luke Skywalker, who exploited a weakness in the station’s design. However, the Empire continued to develop and build new Death Stars to maintain their dominance over the galaxy.
This Star Wars paper plate craft represents an easy version of the Death Star that would be fun for a young fan of the classic movie series.
Materials needed to make this Star Wars Paper Plate Craft:
1 paper plate
Gray tempera paint (or black and white to mix)
Popsicle stick, if desired
Printable Death Star Paper Plate templates – download at the bottom of this blog post
Print out the templates on construction paper and cut out the shapes. You can cut the shapes exactly or trim them smaller or larger according to preference.
Paint the back (or both sides) of the paper plate gray and let dry thoroughly.
Decorate the paper plate by attaching pieces with glue.
Let your child cut out all of the needed shapes and arrange the pieces on the paper plate figuring out a configuration that resembles the Death Star. Be creative, there is no right or wrong way to do this. Showing a picture of the Death Star to your child might inspire them.
Glue or tape the Death Star paper plate to the popsicle stick if you want to make this craft into a puppet.
Allow the craft to dry completely before playing with it or displaying it.
Star Wars Crafts for Kids
Star Wars is a beloved franchise that has captured the hearts of both kids and adults alike. It’s no surprise that many children love to create Star Wars crafts to show off their fandom. Overall, Star Wars art and collectibles offer fans a way to express their love for the franchise and add a unique touch to their homes or collections.
Star Wars Death Star Toys
Death Star Star Wars Paper Plate Craft
First released in 1977, Star Wars was a mega-hit and it still is today. Disney acquired the rights to Star Wars and it is such an intriguing film series for kids and families alike. All Star Wars loving kids would have a blast creating their own Star Wars paper plate craft, and it would also be a fun craft for a Star Wars themed birthday party. Young Star Wars fans will love making this cool and super easy craft.
- 1 paper plate
- Gray tempera paint (or black and white to mix) Glue
- Scissors
- Popsicle stick, if desired
- Printable Death Star Paper Plate templates
- To use a print and cut device (such as Cricut Explore), use the PNG images. Upload to your machine software and cut according to manufacturer’s instructions. Print the Template here
- If not using the print and cut option, print the PDF and get age appropriate scissors for your child to cut the pieces out..
- Let your child cut out all of the needed shapes and arrange the pieces on the paper plate figuring out a configuration that resembles the Death Star. Be creative, there is really no right or wrong way to do this. Showing a picture of the death star to your child might provide inspiration to them.
- Paint the paper plate gray and allow to dry completely.
- Decorate the paper plate by attaching pieces with glue.
- Glue or tape the paper plate to the popsicle stick.
- Allow the craft to dry completely before playing or displaying.
Creative ideas for this craft:
1. Star Wars themed child's birthday party
2. Watching the movie with your kids and giving them a hands-on activity to "participate" in the movie. This provides active, creative play for your child.
Have Fun!