Printable Candy Cane Holder and Gift Tags

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Let the holiday spirit shine through with our Printable Candy Cane Holder and Gift Tags! These printables are designed to add an extra touch of joy and personalization to your holiday season. With our free Christmas printables, you can effortlessly elevate your gift-giving game and infuse your presents with the spirit of Christmas. From adorable owl and mouse designs to a deer print, our printable candy cane holder is not only functional but also makes for delightful decorations. Let your creativity shine as you create a memorable and merry gift-giving experience.

printable christmas gift tags printable deer gift tags

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What materials do I need to make a candy cane holder?

  • Craft sheets printed on cardstock paper (Download the printable at the bottom of this post)
  • Small, sharp scissors
  • Clear tape
  • 4 medium-sized Candy Canes
deer template, owl template, mouse tempalate, owl coloring page, deer coloring page, mouse coloring

How can I make my own Christmas gift tags?

owl gift tag for christmas, deer gift tag for christmas, mouse gift tag for Christmas

Color the mouse, deer, and owl.

owl gift tag for christmas, deer gift tag for christmas, mouse gift tag for Christmas

Cut out all animals on both sheets.

color in gift tags DIY Christmas gift tags

How to make a DIY candy cane holder?

Cut the dotted lines to make two slits on the mouse.

printable candy cane holders mouse shaped candy cane holder

Slide a candy cane up through the first slit on the mouse and back down through second slit. Use a twisting motion, as you push the candy cane through. Tape the candy cane in place on the back.

printable candy cane holders mouse shaped candy cane holder

Cut the rounded dotted line to make one slit on the deer’s head.

deer candy cane holders free printable pdf deer printable christmas pdf

Slide two candy canes through the top slit on the deer’s head. Position them to point away from each other to look like antlers. Tape the candy canes in place on the back.

deer candy cane holder DIY free printable deer

Finally, for the owl, wrap the two legs around a single candy cane. Tape the ends of the legs on the back so that the candy is fastened tightly and won’t slip.

attach the candy canes to the candy cane holder

Use these animal candy cane holders to attach to larger gifts or give them as a gif in itself.

owl candy cane holder owl gift tags for christmas gifts

How can I personalize Christmas gift tags for each recipient?

Personalizing Christmas gift tags for each recipient adds a thoughtful and individual touch to your gifts. Here are some ideas on how to personalize your gift tags:

  • Write the recipient’s name prominently on the gift tag. You can use different styles of handwriting, calligraphy, or lettering to match their personality or preferences.
  • Create a monogram using the recipient’s initials. You can draw or print their initials on the tag and embellish them with decorative elements like flourishes, stars, or holiday symbols.
  • Attach a small photo of the recipient to the gift tag. It could be a recent picture or a cherished memory that holds significance for both of you. This adds a personal and sentimental touch to the tag.
  • Incorporate the recipient’s favorite colors into the design of the gift tag. Use markers, colored pencils, or paint to create a color scheme that resonates with their preferences.
  • Include a meaningful quote, a short message, or a heartfelt note on the gift tag. Choose words that are special to the recipient or that convey your relationship with them.
owl candy cane holder owl gift tags for christmas gifts
owl candy cane holder owl gift tags for christmas gifts

Tips for making professional-looking Christmas gift tags at home

Creating professional-looking Christmas gift tags at home can elevate the overall presentation of your gifts. Here are some tips to help you achieve a polished and professional look:

  • Start with high-quality cardstock or thick paper for your gift tags. Opt for materials that are sturdy and have a smooth finish. This will give your tags a professional appearance and make them more durable.
  • Choose a consistent design and theme for your gift tags. Whether it’s a specific color scheme, pattern, or motif, maintaining a cohesive look across all your tags will create a polished and put-together presentation.
  • Pay attention to the cutting of your gift tags. Use a sharp pair of scissors or a paper trimmer to ensure clean, straight lines. Consistency in size and shape will contribute to a professional finish.
  • Pay attention to the typography on your gift tags. If you’re handwriting the text, practice beforehand to ensure neat and legible writing. Alternatively, you can use stencils, stamps, or printable templates to achieve consistent and professional-looking typography.
  • Focus on the small details that can make a big difference. Make sure your lines are straight, edges are smooth, and any embellishments or decorative elements are applied neatly. Paying attention to these details will give your gift tags a refined and professional touch.
pdf printable christmas gift tags pdf printable candy cane holder templates deer template owl templates mouse template

    Printable candy cane holders and gift tags offer a convenient and creative way to enhance your holiday gift-giving. Whether you choose to add charming designs, heartfelt messages, or incorporate photos, these printable options allow you to make your gifts even more special. By combining your creativity with the convenience of printables, you can elevate your holiday presentations with delightful candy cane holders and gift tags that add a touch of joy and thoughtfulness to every package.

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