24 Easy Out of This World Star Wars Crafts for Kids
If your children love Star Wars, check out these easy, out-of-this-world Star Wars crafts for kids that they will enjoy. You can spend quality time with the kids while completing these fun yet simple crafts together.
Star Wars crafts for kids are fun and unique because they can be based on the many different characters presented in the movie series.

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Here is a List of Fun Star Wars Crafts:
Paper Plate crafts are fun to create especially when they are Star Wars Crafts. All-Star Wars-loving kids would have a blast creating their own Star Wars paper plate craft, and it would also be a fun craft for a Star Wars-themed birthday party. Young Star Wars fans will love making this cool and super easycraft.
2. How to Make a Star Wars Sensory Bottle
Work together with your little ones to create this fun Star Wars Sensory bottle. It is a hands-on learning fun project that both you and your child will enjoy! Sensory toys can improve fine motor skills, encourage children to problem solve, and get them excited to learn and do other activities.
3. Star Wars Color by Numbers Pages plus Free Printables
We have the perfect fun printable activity for you – Star Wars color-by-numbers pages. We have included 8 printable pages with 8 different Star Wars characters – Princess Leia, Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader, C-3PO, R2-D2, and a few more.
4. In a Galaxy Far, Far Away Star Wars Paper Plate Craft for Kids
This fun and easy Star Wars paper plate craft includes a PDF printable template to make the Star Wars Death Star. The Death Star was a space station with the ability to destroy the entire planet.
5. Create a Baby Yoda Paper Plate Craft
Use this free Baby Yoda Template to create Baby Yoda himself. Grab construction paper and a paper plate and make a Baby Yoda.
6. Make Yoda Bags With Brown Paper Bags
Create Yoda bags with brown paper bags. You can even turn these bags into puppets. You would need the bags and construction paper in green, black, and white. Cut the shape of the face and the ears with green construction paper. Use the black and white construction paper to create Yoda’s eyes.
7. Turn an Old Can Into an R2-D2 Pencil Holder
Remove the label from an old can, wash it well, and then let your children paint it white. Wait for the white paint to dry before adding orange and blue to the pencil holder to make it look like R2-D2.
8. Build LightSabers With Pool Noodles and Duct Tape
To make this Star Wars Craft, Grab pool noodles, cut them in half, and then wrap the ends with a combination of black and silver duct tape. You will have lightsabers in minutes that your children can play around with at home.
9. Use Felt and an Old Toilet Paper Roll to Create a Mini Chewbacca
Make a mini Chewbacca by wrapping an old toilet paper roll in brown felt. Use a black marker for the eyes and a brown marker to add markings on the felt that will make it look like fur.
10. Create Galaxy Dough
Follow your favorite dough recipe but add a twist to it. Use food coloring in a dark shade of blue and mix in some extra ingredients, such as star gems and glitter. You can get your children involved in this hands-on activity to make a dough that looks like the Star Wars galaxy.
11. Use Finger Paint to Create Yoda With Your Hand
Create Yoda on paper using your hand and finger paint. Put your hand in green paint and press it down on a sheet of white paper. Use the handprint as the face and then draw Yoda’s body using a brown marker for his outfit.
12. Turn Printable Star Wars Coloring Pages Into Cards
Find fun printable Star Wars coloring pages that you can print out and color with the kids. Turn them into cute cards by cutting the colored images out and pasting them onto card stock paper.
13. Paint a Plastic Bauble With Star Wars-themed designs
Provide each child with a plastic bauble to paint with Star Wars designs. You can do white, orange, and blue for R2-D2 or green and brown for Yoda. You can even create other character designs on the baubles, such as Princess Leia and Darth Vader.
14. Create Chewbacca With Nutter Butter Cookies
Cover cold Nutter Butter cookies in melted milk chocolate. Use light brown frosting to decorate the front of each cookie, making it look like there is fur on the cookies. Use a black edible marker for the eyes.
15. Glue Printable Star Wars Characters to Painted Rocks
Print out images of Star Wars characters and glue them to painted rocks. You can paint the rocks with different Star Wars colors, such as white, orange, blue, green, brown, and black.
16. Turn a Paper Plate into Death Star
Use gray paint on a paper plate and then cover it with pieces of black construction paper to turn the paper plate into Death Star. Use a photo for reference to get it right!
17. Create Death Star Using Construction Paper
Make Death Star with construction paper. You can use a sheet of gray construction paper, a sheet of black construction paper, scissors, and a glue stick to complete this straightforward task.
18. Make a Darth Vader Mask With a Paper Plate
Create your own Darth Vader mask with a paper plate. Cover the paper plate with black spray paint. Use white construction paper to create the features that Darth Vader has. Glue a popsicle stick to the back of the mask so that you can hold it in front of your face.
19. Create a Princess Leia Mask
Find printable cartoon images of Princess Leia, print them out, and then cut them out before pasting them onto a blank paper plate. You can even paste the signature buns on each side of the paper plate.
20. Turn an Old Jar Into a Baby Yoda Piggy Bank
Paint an old glass jar in light green paint, wait for it to dry, and then paste artificial eyes on it. Do not forget to add the pointed ears. You can make the ears using a paper plate or construction paper.
21. Put a Paper Mache Lightsaber Together
Create a paper mache lightsaber using a paper towel tube, gift wrap paper, flour, and water. You can get the paper to stick carefully to the paper towel tube to create a colorful lightsaber for the kids.
22. Trace Star Wars Characters on a Sheet of Paper
Print out images of the Star Wars characters, place them under a blank sheet of white paper, and let the kids trace the characters. They can color them in with markers or crayons.
23. Make Chewbacca Chocolate Chip Cookies
Prepare your favorite chocolate chip cookies as you normally would. However, after pulling them out of the oven and letting them cool off, use melting chocolate and icing to decorate the cookies. You can make them look like Chewbacca, especially if you have gingerbread man cookie cutters.
24. Prepare Star War Cereal Treats
If you can find Star Wars cereal, make treats by mixing the cereal with melted marshmallows and a stick of butter. It is like rice krispie treats, but even better!
You can do these fun Star Wars crafts with your children. You can have a fun time putting these different things together while getting the children involved.